
HerStory Apresiasi Perusahaan dengan Program CSR yang Berorientasi pada Wanita Lewat Women-Oriented CSR Awards 2023, Ini Daftar Pemenangnya!

30 Agustus 2023 16:20 WIB
HerStory Apresiasi Perusahaan dengan Program CSR yang Berorientasi pada Wanita Lewat Women-Oriented CSR Awards 2023, Ini Daftar Pemenangnya!

E-Awarding Women-Oriented CSR Awards 2023. (Tasha Rainita/Edited by HerStory)

HerStory, Jakarta —

Beauty, perkembangan suatu perusahaan tak terlepas dari hubungan eratnya dengan konsumen dan keadaan lingkungan yang memengaruhi perkembangan masyarakat, terutama wanita. Oleh karena itu, semakin baik hubungan suatu perusahaan terhadap konsumen, maka semakin besar juga kesempatan perusahaan untuk terus berkembang menjadi sebuah perusahaan besar.

Saat ini, keberadaan CSR dapat menjadi medium untuk tujuan tersebut. CSR bisa menjadi tolok ukur bagaimana suatu perusahaan berdampak dan bertanggung jawab pada sekitar. Selain itu, komitmen penerapan CSR yang dilakukan perusahaan dalam kegiatan bisnis perusahaan sangat penting untuk menopang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mewujudkan inklusivitas bagi para wanita yang terjun di segala bidang industri di Indonesia.

Berdasarkan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mencapai 5.03 persen (year on year) pada kuartal I 2023. Lajunya lebih kencang dari periode yang sama tahun lalu 5.02 persen. Pertumbuhan ekonomi tercatat tinggi secara tahunan karena seluruh lapangan usaha pada kuartal I 2023 ini tumbuh positif.

Tren pertumbuhan ekonomi yang positif di Indonesia tak bisa dilepaskan dari peran berbagai pihak, salah satu pihak yang berperan besar adalah sektor privat. Adaptasi dan inovasi yang dilakukan sektor privat, baik ketika pandemi COVID 19 dan pasca pandemi, mampu berkontribusi besar terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara makro.

Maka dari itu, ingin memberikan penghargaan kepada perusahaan dari berbagai sektor industri yang memiliki komitmen kuat untuk menerapkan program CSR yang berorientasi pada wanita dalam kegiatan perusahaannya melalui penghargaan Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2023 dengan tema "Empower Women, Enrich Societies". 

Tema tersebut dipilih HerStory karena diharapkan dapat meningkatkan komitmen kesetaraan dalam tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan yang merupakan kunci untuk membangun bisnis yang inklusif, terutama dalam mempersiapkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia.

Terkait dengan program CSR, Pemimpin Redaksi HerStory Clara Aprilia Sukandar mengatakan bahwa segala upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan tentu tak akan sia-sia. Sebab, program CSR ini dilakukan dengan tujuan agar semua terjaga dan berdaya. 

“Program CSR yang sudah marak sejak abad ke-20, menjadi salah satu akses bagi perusahaan untuk menggelintirkan dananya kepada masyarakat dan lingkungan dengan tujuan agar semua terjaga dan berdaya,” kata Clara saat acara E-Awarding Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2023, Rabu (30/8/2023).

“Segala upaya yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk lingkungan tentu tak sia-sia, hal ini dibuktikan melalui laporan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) RI melaporkan bahwa nilai Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup (IKLH) Indonesia pada tahun 2022 lalu berada di angka 72.42 poin. Angka ini mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0.97 poin dibanding IKLH Indonesia 2021 lalu,” ungkap Clara.

Kenaikan angka tersebut juga menjadi daya tarik para investor, lho. Sebanyak 69% investor global menginginkan perusahaan mampu memberikan informasi relevansi faktor keberlanjutan terhadap model bisnisnya. Selain itu, menunjukkan 64% konsumen Indonesia menjadikan aspek ramah lingkungan sebagai pertimbangan dalam pembelian produk.

Novia Widyaningtyas, S.Hut, M.Sc., Staf Ahli Menteri Bidang Industri dan Perdagangan Internasional, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, mengatakan bahwa program CSR merupakan bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan karena telah memberikan dampak terhadap alam, lingkungan, dan masyarakat.

“Program CSR harus dilakukan perusahaan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab karena telah memberikan dampak terhadap alam, lingkungan, dan masyarakat,” ujar Novia dalam kesempatan yang sama.

“Tak sedikit program CSR yang sudah mengangkat isu kesetaraan gender. Pasalnya, potensi perempuan saat ini semakin membaik dan membanggakan, dari segi pendidikan, prestasi, capaian, dan kemampuan perempuan dapat disandingkan dengan kaum laki-laki,” sambungnya.

Lebih lanjut, Novia juga memberikan apresiasi kepada HerStory karena telah menginisiasi dan menyelenggarakan E-Awarding Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2023 "Empower Women, Enrich Societies".

“Kami mengucapkan terima kasih pada HerStory Indonesia yang telah menginisiasi dan menyelenggarakan acara penghargaan ini. Sebuah acara yang sangat baik untuk memberikan pengakuan dan penghargaan kepada mereka yang berprestasi di bidang CSR dan pemberdayaan perempuan,” pungkas Novia.

Penasaran siapa saja yang menjadi pemenang di E-Awarding Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2023 "Empower Women, Enrich Societies". Yuk, simak baik-baik ya, Beauty!

  1. PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibilty 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Independent Smallholders and Community Sustainability)
  2. PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Inclusive Economic Development for the Community)
  3. PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Strategic Partnerships to Boost Resilience and Stimulate Economic Growth)
  4. PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Community Survival)
  5. PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Programs in Developing the Quality of Farmers and Communities)
  6. APICAL (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Human Resources and Environmental Sustainability)
  7. Asian Agri (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Programs in Empowering Community All Over Operational Area)
  8. PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Gender Equality)
  9. PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Increasing Community and MSME Capacity)
  10. PT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Training and Development of Community)
  11. PT Kaltim Prima Coal (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Increasing the Capacity of Communities)
  12. PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Equipping Communities with Skills of Economic Value)
  13. PT Petrosea Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Economic and Social Empowerment)
  14. PT Bumi Resources Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Various Activities to Social and Community Development)
  15. PT Indika Energy Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Economic Access and Social Welfare)
  16. PT Bayan Resources Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Life and Environment)
  17. PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Integrate Aspects of Sustainability to the Community Welfare)
  18. PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Building Economic and Sustainable Community Development)
  19. PT Mark Dynamics Indonesia Tbk. (Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Human Resources)
  20. PT Samator Indo Gas Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Community Empowerment and Environmental)
  21. PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Community Access to Nutritious Protein)
  22. PT Avia Avian Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Development and Rejuvenation of Public Facilities)
  23. PT Barito Pacific Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Education and Environmental Sustainability)
  24. PT Pelat Timah Nusantara, Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Local Community Basic Needs)
  25. PT Polytama Propindo (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Environmental Sustainability)
  26. PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Entrepreneurial Development and Environmental Concern)
  27. PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Encouraging Public Health and Environmental Sustainability)
  28. PT. Procter & Gamble Home Products Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Progressive Empowerment Policy)
  29. PT Kino Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Public Health)
  30. PT Sasa Inti (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Empowering MSMEs and Contributing to Healthy Communities)
  31. PT Ajinomoto Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting the Community's Healthy Lifestyle and Environmental Sustainability)
  32. PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Community Nutrition Through Health Education)
  33. PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Education and Empowering Entrepreneurs)
  34. PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Facilitating MSME Growth)
  35. PT Nestle Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Food Security and Welfare of Farmers)
  36. PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Healthy and Prosperous Community Life)
  37. PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Strengthening Community Health)
  38. PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Health Access and Facilities)
  39. PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sidomuncul Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Community Welfare and Development)
  40. Dexa Group (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Public Health)
  41. PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Welfare of Lower Income Community)
  42. PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Environmental Empowerment and Sustainability)
  43. PT Soho Industri Pharmasi (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program through Responsive Social Economic Empowerment)
  44. PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program through Systemazied and Sensible Action)
  45. PT Merck Indonesia Tbk. (Best Company with Women Empowerment-Oriented CSR through Targeted Campaign and Collaboration)
  46. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Programs in Developing Social Environmental Empowerment)
  47. PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Integration of Community Welfare Support and Social Environmental Conservation)
  48. PT Bank Permata Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Education Ecosystem Development)
  49. PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Financial Solutions for MSMEs and Community Welfare Support)
  50. PT Bank Mega Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Education and Social Welfare)
  51. PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Sustainable Development for Environment and Society)
  52. PT Bank UOB Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Sustainable Art Aspirations)
  53. PT Bank DBS Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Increasing Public Literacy and Awareness)
  54. PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Social Empowerment and Education
  55. PT Bank Mayapada International Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Programs in Accelerating Community Access to Social Environment Empowerment)
  56. PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Social and Educational Quality)
  57. PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Community Social and Environmental Empowerment)
  58. PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Developing Socio-Economic Community Welfare)
  59. PT Maybank Indonesia Finance (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Programs in Increasing Social-Economic Development)
  60. PT Bussan Auto Finance (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Accelerating Education and Welfare for Society)
  61. PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Increasing Public Financial Literacy)
  62. PT Asuransi Jiwa Sinarmas MSIG Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibilty 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Social Environmental Sustainability)
  63. PT Asuransi Astra Buana (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Realizing Sustainable Education)
  64. PT KSK Insurance Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing a Positive Impact on Society and the Environment)
  65. PT XL Axiata Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Gender Equality and Inclusive Education)
  66. PT Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Empowering Communities Through the Digital Economy)
  67. PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Encouraging the Creative Economy)
  68. PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Progressive Empowerment Policy)
  69. PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Inclusive Community Empowerment)
  70. PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Fostering and Aiding MSMEs)
  71. PT Global Jet Express (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Communities Basic Needs)
  72. PT SiCepat Ekspres Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Building a Sustainable Social and Environmental Ecosystem)
  73. PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Building a Sustainable Social and Environmental Ecosystem)
  74. PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Quality Education)
  75. PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Encouraging People's Economy)
  76. PT Jababeka Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Environmental Conservation and Community Development)
  77. PT Sinarmas Land Ltd (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Innovative Empowerment in Digital Ecosystem)
  78. PT Astra Honda Motor (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Human Resources)
  79. PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Education and Environmental Sustainability)
  80. PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting the Environment and Public Facilities)
  81. PT Indomarco Prismatama (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Community and MSME Welfare)
  82. PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Health and Social Services)
  83. PT Transcoal Pacific Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Environmental and Social Concern)
  84. PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Public Access to Education)
  85. PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting for Education and Accelerating Community Welfare)
  86. PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Social and Community Support)
  87. PT Rekso Nasional Food (McDonald’s Indonesia) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Communities to Food and Education Access)
  88. PT Frisian Flag Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Health and Community Empowerment)
  89. Djarum Foundation (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving the Quality of Human Resources and Environmental Sustainability)
  90. DBS Foundation (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Fostering and Aiding Social Enterprises)
  91. Permata Hijau Group (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Community Empowerment and Sustainable Environment Preservation)
  92. PT Bank Commonwealth (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in MSME Capacity Development and Financial Literacy)
  93. PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Education and Financial Inclusion)
  94. PT Panin Dai-ichi Life (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Socialization Regarding Literacy Sustainable Finance)
  95. PT Asuransi Jiwa Astra (Astra Life) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Welfare Society Through Health Education)
  96. PT Indolife Pensiontama (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Financial Literacy and Community Social Assistance)
  97. PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Social and Community Supports)
  98. PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Education and Community Economic Welfare)
  99. PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Wider Access to Community Empowerment)
  100. PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Social and Community Development)
  101. Danone Indonesia (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Raising Public Awareness of Health and Sustainable Environmental Preservation)
  102. PT Suntory Garuda (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Education and a Decent Life for the Community)
  103. PT United Tractors Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Improving Education Quality)
  104. PT DCI Indonesia Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Decent Community Life)
  105. PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia (GRAB) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Entrepreneurship Empowerment and Collaboration)
  106. PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (Gojek) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Progressive Empowerment Policy)
  107. PT Global Digital Niaga ( (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Targeted Entrepreneurship Empowerment)
  108. PT Nojorono Tobacco International (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Supporting Decent Community Life)
  109. PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Developing Socio-Economic Society)
  110. PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara (AMNT) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Education and a Decent Life for the Community)
  111. PT PLN (PERSERO) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Targeted Entrepreneurship Empowerment)
  112. Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Empowerment Based on Community Economic Improvement)
  113. Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Social and Community Development)
  114. PT Dharma Polimetal Tbk. (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 with Outstanding Program in Providing Access to Education and Infrastructure)
  115. PT Paragon Technology and Innovation (Best Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility 2023 through Resourceful Workers Development Support)

Nah, itulah para pemenang E-Awarding Women-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2023. Selamat, ya!

Baca Juga: Apresiasi Industri Pejuang Kesetaraan Gender, HerStory Luncurkan Indonesia Best Workplace for Women Awards 2024

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Oleh: Tasha Rainita