
Lirik Lagu The Apartment We Won't Share Milik NIKI yang Viral dan Jadi Sound Paling Hits 2024! Kamu Merasa Relate Gak?

31 Desember 2024 13:46 WIB
Lirik Lagu The Apartment We Won't Share Milik NIKI yang Viral dan Jadi Sound Paling Hits 2024! Kamu Merasa Relate Gak?

Niki Zefanya (Instagram/nikizefanya)

HerStory, Jakarta —

Beauty simak yuk lirik lagu The Apartment We Won't Share milik NIKI yang bikin banyak orang merasa tersentuh dan relate secara emosi.

Bahkan, lagu ini menjadi viral dan banyak dipakai di platform sosial media lho! Penasaran gak sih gimana liriknya? Simak yuk!


The apartment we won't share

I wonder what sad wife lives there

Have the windows deciphered her stares?

Do the bricks in the walls know to hide the affairs?

The dog we won't have is now one I would not choose

The daughter we won't raise still waits for you

The girl I won't be is the one that's yours

I hope you shortly find what you long for

Two years and some change

Isn't it strange?

You're a full-fledged socialist

I go by a new name

The filthy joke that won't

Burrow in the corner of your

Smirking lips, I mourn it to this day

The story we won't tell

Is my greatest fantasy

The passion I won't feel again

Isn't lost on me

The son you never wanted

Is the wound your father left

And the mother I won't be is

Probably for the best

Your demons I won't meet

Now someone else's word to keep

I'm sure she's beautiful and sweet

Not what I wanted, but what we need

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Baca Juga: Sering Jadi Soundtrack untuk Video dengan Orang Tersayang, Ini Lirik Lagu 'I'd like to watch you sleeping' dari Sal Priadi

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